I don't know if this is the correct translation in English but is a typical way as Italian people consider the family including all near kindred.
In Italy, especially in the countryside, many persons consider the family by including all uncles, aunts, grandparents and so on, like a big family that must stay togheter. Of course, not togheter in the same building but at least in the same city, town or street.
If someone will ask "why?" to people with this point of view , they will answer probably that the main reason is "supporting each other" (even if is not the truth).
For me the family should be something strict, only for important person that I choose to live with: a wife I choose, sons or daughters that I choose to have and - why not -  friends that I choose as part of my family.
We are not living in Game of thrones where every family is close in their "blood", why I have to agree with someone only because we have same surname.
I'm not able to feel the sense of large family, for me was not a problem to move everywhere in the world if MY family is with me, anyway I don't forget about parents and the rest of kindred but I can say that they are not essential to me.
This is just a my point of view and I don't expect someone else can share same idea with me, but I would like to write it for myself, and if my son when he'll grow up want to go away for me I will have no regrets cause I will be sure that he'll trying to do the best for his life...

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