This week I'm starting a new diet and I would like to make a step by step review of it.
The name of this diet is Red Apple ("Mela Rossa" in Italian) my starting weight was 92.7 Kg (about 204 pounds) but I don't know if that was my real weight cause I'm just come back from a diet-free 1 week vacation in Hungary.
Anyway today is the second day and this morning my weight was 91.5 Kg (~ 200 P), I hope that I can proceed so quickly for the whole diet period, but I'm sure it will not.
I've started this adventure last Sunday night when I've downloaded the app on my Smartphone and set up all my personal data.
Red Apple Diet app return me that I should burn 3700-3800 kcal per day and my daily meals for the program will contain around 1900 kcal per day and in 7 weeks I should reach my goal that is 85kg so about 7.5 kg from my start line.
In the next post I will write my meals from 1st and 2nd day...
Now let's eat and lose!

Unfortunatly I think that this app is available only in italian language
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